Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Sunday, 18 March 2007

Words of William Booth

We are a Salvation people. This is our specialty — getting saved and keeping saved, and then getting somebody else saved, and then getting saved ourselves more and more, until full salvation on earth makes the heaven within, which is finally perfected by the full salvation without, on the other side of the River.

We believe in Salvation! We believe in the old- fashioned salvation. Ours is just the same salvation taught in the Bible, proclaimed by Prophets and Apostles, preached by Luther and Wesley and Whitefield, sealed by the blood of martyrs — the very same salvation which was purchased by the sufferings and agony and Blood of the Son of God.

We believe the world needs it; this and this alone will set the world right. We want no other nostrum, nothing new. We are on the track of the old Apostles. The worst man that ever walked will go to Heaven if he obtains it, and the best man that ever lived will go to Hell if he misses it.

There is a Hell! A Hell as dark and terrible as is the description given of it by the lips of Jesus Christ, the Truthful. And into that Hell men are departing hour by hour.

Perhaps the most appalling aspect of mankind is its bondage. How devils and devilish habits rule it, and oh, what an iron yoke. Can these captives, be delivered? Saved from sinning, saved into holy living, and triumphant dying?

Ask the Salvationist, and the answer will be both from theory and experience, that the vilest and worst can be saved to the uttermost, for all things are possible to him that believeth. Our Redeemer is mighty to save.

We have salvation. We need it, and we have it. There are think-so Christians, and there are hope-so Christians, and there are know-so Christians; thank God we belong to the know-so people — we know we are saved. And we know in whom we have believed, and the Spirit answers to our faith, and testifies in our hearts that we are the children of God.

Our work is salvation. Soul saving is our avocation, the great purpose of our lives.

What is the business of your life? Not merely to make yourself ready for Paradise. Rescue the perishing. There are all around you everywhere, crowds upon crowds, multitudes. Be skilful. Be self-sacrificing. Remember the Master. What you lose for His sake, and for the sake of the poor souls for whom He died, you shall find again. Stick to it. Having put your hand to the salvation plough don’t look behind you.

”How shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3

Tuesday, 6 March 2007

God's giftings!

We are very blessed here at Morwell with many outreaches into the community - we have the usual corps activities - worship twice on Sunday - a small Sunday School - Junior Soldiers - Kids' Klub - Playgroup - Women's Bible Study - Home League - Companion Club - Band - Singers - pianist - organist. We have a Welfare Office with a paid co-ordinator - a Jumble Shed which is fully volunteered [about 30 of them] - we have folk who do PLPs & PSPs - court workers - prison chaplain. We are indeed very blessed.
On the whole people are in the right place for their gifting - they have a passion for what they do - they will train to become better - they will apply what they learn - they will share their frustrations appropriately - they will ask for help if needed or if it's out of their field of experience.
It is a privilege to be able to line manage these folks - to be their mentors - to be their sounding board - to be the one outside the box to give clarity in situations - to support them in prayer - to encourage them - to share in their triumphs - to share in their disappointments.
Not all is perfect - but there is so much potential - if tapped into and directed wisely - this place could impact our world even more than it does - what a challenge - what a privilege!

Monday, 5 March 2007

Corps Camp

Well, we are back from Corps Camp at Lake Tyers - let me say first up - Lake Tyers is a beautiful place - so many "Sabbath" moments being part of God's creation there.
It was also great just to be able to relax with folks and get to know them a little better - most people just want someone to listen to them - to hear their story - to have a laugh or cry.
Sunday chapel we shared with the Lake Tyers Uniting Church - it was very generous of them to let us come in and take over their service - what delightful people who opened their hearts to us - God moved mightily among us - their was unity of faith and many blessings bestowed.
All in all a great weekend - a worthwhile annual event!

Thursday, 1 March 2007

She was REALLY annoyed !!!!!!!!!!!!

It was just after 10 am I've been on the toilet since 5 this morning - I've made myself as comfortable as one can under the circumstances - I'm sitting side on with a bucket on my knees - a pillow on the cistern so I can rest my thumping head and catch some much needed sleep - the mobile is on the bench just in case I need assistance - oh that's right - the delivery man is coming and I have to let him in - the phone rings - it must be him letting me know when he will arrive - but no it wasn't him - it was someone else - she was REALLY annoyed - and she vented it all - I must have dozed off - she was yelling "are you still there?" "yeah, I'm here, but I'm really not well, I'm sitting on the loo with a bucket on my knees" - "oh she says, you not feeling too good" "you could say that" "well I won't keep you" and then she goes full steam into her frustration again!! I think I'm going to throw up - quick cover the thingy - does the mobile have a thingy - quick put it under the pillow - then I throw up - ugh!!! - pick up mobile again - yeah she's still there - still talking - still annoyed - Lord, I really don't have the strength to listen - not today - there must be someone else - sorry, Lord, I'm really going to have to hang up on this woman - yes, Lord, I know there will be consequences - but I'm sorry - it's got to me right now!
That was me the other day - the one on the loo not the annoyed caller!
So today we met for a cuppa & chat - surprise, surprise, she actually sorted it out for herself - she didn't really need me - she was feeling so proud of herself - she had actually dealt with it all by herself - she was so chirpy - so excited - so confident - so "I don't need you anymore" - and me? well I just said "Thank you Lord, thank you for giving this woman her confidence back, you really do move in mysterious ways!!!"