Sunday, 30 March 2008


Every action a human being does has three dimensions of effect.
It affects:
the performer of the action.
the other person or persons involved.
those who witness the action, indeed the whole society.
For example, if A steals money from B,
A affects himself; his own level of honesty and integrity is diminished.
He also affects B, who is not only out that amount of money, but whose level of trust is now diminished.
In addition, he affects whoever witnesses or hears of the theft, for stealing is now added to their concept of possible human behaviour. The more thefts they witness or hear about, the more the "possible" becomes the "normal."
This third effect actually encompasses not only those individuals who witness or hear about the theft, but society as a whole.
Individuals started to steal. Each and every theft chipped away at the standard of honesty in society. What was once idiosyncratic became the norm. In this same way, every action performed by every individual, subtly but tangibly, affects the whole.
Judaism has two words that embody this concept.
"Kiddush Hashem" means those actions that reveal God's presence in the world.
"Hillul Hashem" means those actions that hide God's presence.
Whenever a human being performs an act of integrity, honesty, kindness, compassion, or self-sacrifice, he is revealing godliness in the world.
"Kiddush Hashem" literally means "sanctifying the Divine Name." Although the term is most often used to describe grand, heroic deeds, such as when Jews have chosen death rather than forsaking their religion, it applies as well to any action that reveals God in the world.
Since kindness is an attribute of God, more kindness in society means a greater revelation of God in the world.
Conversely, whenever a human being performs an act of meanness, cruelty, avarice, dishonesty, or selfishness, he is hiding God's presence in this world.
"Hillul" comes from the Hebrew word for "empty space"; a Hillul Hashem makes the world seem empty of God.
Every action is a stone thrown into an infinite pond; the ripples it causes go out in ever greater circles, endlessly.

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Palm Sunday

Today is Palm Sunday - so many different emotions go with this day.
Jesus - resolutely set himself on Jerusalem and all that entailed. He knew before Sabbath came again He would be dead and in the tomb. Yet He was still Jesus and He did the Jesus thing - He stopped at Zaccheus house, healed blind Bartimaeus, cursed a fig tree, cried over Jerusalem - went to Temple and cleared out the moneychangers. His sole purpose to "save His people from their sins" - to be the ultimate 'pascal' lamb.
The disciples had other ideas -
Peter thought for sure that this year in Jerusalem - this passover - as they celebrated Moses bringing their ancestors out of Egypt - that Jesus - Messiah - would take Jerusalem and kick out the Romans. He was so sure - he carried a sword - ready for battle and before week's end - he had used it.
Judas - he was so annoyed with Jesus - Jesus wasn't doing it right at all - Jesus let this woman pour expensive perfume all over His head - and commended her for it. Every time Judas thought about it - he called smell the perfume in his nostrils - it just angered him more. Somewhere on that journey to Jerusalem Judas started to talk with other disgruntled people - people who wanted to get rid of Jesus - so Judas waits to see what Sunday brings - he is bitterly disappointed - Jesus didn't do what Judas expected Him to do - so instead of walking away - he decides to at least get something out of this whole fiasco - something for the three years he has wasted.
So many different emotions!!!

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

Obedient to God

God placed the burden on my heart to pray the boundaries of our property. I wasn't sure what He wanted me to pray - or how He wanted me to do that - 7 times like Jericho [would the building fall down] - just the 1 day or more. So I've been praying for divine inspiration.
God has a great sense of humour and I love His surprises!
We have CBO's who do their 'time' as volunteers - we were given one for 3 months 12 hours a week who has all the experience needed for a perfect quartermaster - let me tell you we needed one most urgently. He has done the most spectacular work on our property - the equipment has all been serviced and in top condition - but as with all these folks they move on.
It has been 2 weeks [no replacement in sight] and yes the lawns needed mowing, whipper snipping needs doing and it's time to spray the weeds again.
So yesterday [a public holiday for labour day - celebration of 8 hour working day] I decided to pop down the hall and mow them. It was for me an obedience thing - out of gratitude to God for sending us this guy I wanted to give something back - how appropriate to mow the lawns [must have some of God's humour in me] - but not only that I wanted to sow somethiing for the future as well - by being willing to give of my time and energy into mowing the lawns - that God would bless my tithe so to speak!
But as always God surprises me - it takes about 1 and half hours to walk our lawns pushing the mower - and guess what? I walked the whole boundary of our property and was able to pray every inch of the way - and all the places in between - back & forth - back & forth.
It was a great time of praise to God for all His benefits - also time for sharing concerns - 3 things really stood out in that prayer time and I want to share them with you - so when you pray for us here at Morwell you pray with knowledge.
First - I prayed that God would bring the right people into our lives at the Corps - people who would improve us [like our CBO who improved our grounds so much] - improve our ministry [like our CBO and the servicing of our equipment].
Second - I prayed that God would make this property a place of health - a place where people can come for all manner of healing - that even for the myriads of people who walk pass our property that they would be touched by that health - that in that distance from one boundary to the next they would have peace, health, and joy brought into their lives.
Third - I prayed that we would be a debt-free corps [ I mean more than finances here] that we wouldn't be a burden on anyone in our ministry in this place - not on our own people - not on our city - not on DHQ nor THQ!
I came home from that time with God - hot, sweaty, dirty, but most blessed!
And yes if it is a more than one off event - I will be most willing to be obedient to that!

Monday, 10 March 2008

Some definitions

A stronghold is anything that has a "strong hold" on God's people. It is like a spiritual "bunker" in one's mind that is built of wrong thoughts which gives enemy spirits a protected place from which they can interfere, influence and interrupt the move of God's Spirit in one's personal life, family life and church life.
"Negativity" ~ habitual scepticism and a disagreeable tendency to deny or oppose or resist suggestions or commands.

Saturday, 8 March 2008

Moe Jazz Festival

There are many celebrations happening in Latrobe City this long weekend - one of them is the Moe Jazz Festival. There is a street march - which the fire trucks lead - Latrobe City Band follows and then various others - finishing with the Jazz Band.
On occasions I help the City Band - today was one of those occasions! I can't even remember the last time I marched and played my cornet - that's how long ago it was!
And who reads music that close to their nose - I think I need a bell lyre - I had to take my glasses off to get the music in focus.
My conclusion - it was great fun - but I am exhausted - knees, shoulders, lower back, not to mention the thumbs!

Friday, 7 March 2008

Lifetime dream fulfilled

St Andrews Presbyterian Church in Morwell has a 1873 Speechly & Ingram Pipe Organ.

It was renovated in 1997 and placed in their church.

It was my greatest privilege to sit in the loft at this magnificent instrument and put fingers and feet to work and hear the melodious sounds echo around the church.

The haunting sounds of "Phantom of the Opera" ~ to keep that setting and play:
When peace like a river
Attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea-billows roll,
Whatever my lot,
Thou hast taught me to know
It is well, it is well with my soul

Truly spine tingling!!!!

Monday, 3 March 2008

You have no funds - withdrawal refused!

Don't you just love people who think they can continously withdraw without actually making deposits.

They think there is an endless supply - and deposits are not required.

Then the time comes and they hear the words "You have no funds - withdrawal refused" and then they get annoyed and spit the dummy and it is everyone's fault.

The reality is: they just needed to make a deposit - and if they had - they could have kept on withdrawing!


Is one allowed to have 'train rage'? Quietly of course!
I left home at 6:30 am to catch the 6:49 train to Melbourne - it was cancelled!
30 minutes later I caught the next train - everything ran smoothly until Richmond - there was congestion in the Loop - a gas leak - a fire - it put everything out.
So instead of arriving in Melbourne a few minutes before 9 am as planned it was almost 10 am.
My function was 9:30 am - naturally it went ahead without me and quite a few city officers who had been caught with the loop congestion!
So morning tea - a stroll around the observation deck for a 360 degree view of Melbourne from the 55th floor - apparently it takes 40 secs to get from bottom to top in the lift!
A brief bit of business - back down in the lift - walk to 'Southern Cross Station' - hop on the train for uneventful ride home arriving 2:30 pm.
So there we have it - 8 hour round trip!
Was this beneficial? Still working on that one!