Thursday, 25 September 2008


We have been touring around Victoria - visiting cemeteries - taking photos of headstones of relatives past.  We have been to some very small out of the way cemeteries - have had some trouble finding some.

It never ceases to amaze me that in some heavily populated communities of the past there is nothing today to show that they were even there - the only evidence is from their birth/marriage/death certificates and the memories of those still alive.  You drive to where they say or where they took you as a child and it is just bush.  You may recognize a tree or two which appeared in their back yard and guess 'well this must be where it was!'

We visited an uncle who at 80 is doing really well - he shared of the time that they built there first house [he was just a kid] they built it in the middle of the road because it was the hardest smoothest ground - that ground became their floor.  Then they moved to Adelaide so they pull it all down and take it with them - no wonder there is no evidence of life having been there.

It really makes you think - years from now when I am just an ancient relative - what will be remembered - what difference will I have made by living?

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Mixed emotions

We spent the weekend in Maryborough [Vic] catching up with my husband's family and generally revisiting the old haunts. I was 8 1/2 when we moved there and left just after my 22nd birthday - so I guess you could say I spent my informative years there. I lived in 7 different houses in that time and each one evokes different memories.
- the first house gives memories of community, real community, everyone knew everyone and all us kids played together even though we went to different schools, churches and were from vastly different backgrounds.
- the second house about the only memory it evokes is the night it burned and the following traumas that that caused.
- the third house was a fill in house somewhere to live while the previous was being fixed - but we never went back - too many nightmares - it was this house that I grew close to my adopted Aussie grandparents - some really fond times - adopted little cousins to enjoy and spoil.
- the fourth house possibly my favourite house as far as houses go - a bit of a mansion with servants' quarters etc... I got to sleep in the pantry [just big enough for the bare essentials] which had a cellar [a place of solitude]. There were some good family memories here.
- the fifth house this brings about different memories - this is where mum struggled the most - where family life changed the most - this is the house I was married from and a new chapter started for me.
- the sixth house this is where we set up our first home - it didn't last long as the house was sold and we had to move.
- the seventh house this was a great little place - lots of great memories - from here we moved to Melbourne - new jobs - new church - new friends.
It was good to go back!
We visited the old schools - it is sad to see them sitting there empty and vandalised - to wonder what they will become in time?
We passed my best friend's house from those early years - the tree we spent many hours sitting in and talking is gone - she too has gone from this life - I have lots of happy memories from our time together growing up!
Walking down the main street is fascinating - trying to remember what used to be there - some come easily to the memory some it is a struggle - the place has changed over the last 33 years - yet in some ways is still the same.
It is good to go back - we will again on Cup day as the "Smart" family are having a reunion - all the rellies will be gathering to remember - to catch up - to add bits to the family tree that has grown so many branches and lots more twigs have been added - it will be a great day!