Thursday, 25 September 2008


We have been touring around Victoria - visiting cemeteries - taking photos of headstones of relatives past.  We have been to some very small out of the way cemeteries - have had some trouble finding some.

It never ceases to amaze me that in some heavily populated communities of the past there is nothing today to show that they were even there - the only evidence is from their birth/marriage/death certificates and the memories of those still alive.  You drive to where they say or where they took you as a child and it is just bush.  You may recognize a tree or two which appeared in their back yard and guess 'well this must be where it was!'

We visited an uncle who at 80 is doing really well - he shared of the time that they built there first house [he was just a kid] they built it in the middle of the road because it was the hardest smoothest ground - that ground became their floor.  Then they moved to Adelaide so they pull it all down and take it with them - no wonder there is no evidence of life having been there.

It really makes you think - years from now when I am just an ancient relative - what will be remembered - what difference will I have made by living?

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