Monday, 2 August 2010

Holy Gossip - is there such a thing?

Did you know Gossip is related to the word for godparent, so it has a holy derivation. I was shocked when I discovered this! Unholy gossip is bad, of course, but I have a healthy respect for holy gossip.

I love the time just before prayer meeting starts on Sunday mornings where we sit in the peacefulness of the sanctuary and in that holy environment we contemplate the week past and all the people we have met and shared with, what's really been happening, and we share the joys and concerns for our church family and the community.   This is an amazing way to get focussed before the Lord and pray with holy intent.

Holy gossip is so much a part of being a member of community - staying in touch with friends, neighbours and relatives - does he really want to see people, or is he too tired? Should I drop in today? That is good gossip. This not only helps with prayer but also it helps me know who to ring or bump into during the coming week.

I personally believe holy gossip helps us build a stronger church community - which in turn makes a more positive impact on our community!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this! I truly did not know that there was a difference between acceptable gossip and the kind that of course is most distasteful to others and to the Lord. I am so glad you cleared that up! God reward you.