Satan called a worldwide convention of demons, and in his opening address he said, “We can't keep Christians from going to church. We can't keep them from reading their Bibles and knowing the truth. We can't even keep them from forming an intimate relationship with their Saviour. Once they gain that connection with Jesus, our power over them is broken."
His legions of fallen were aghast and wrung their hands in despair.
Ever the villain, Satan went on to explain his new strategy. “Let them go to their churches,” he said. “Let them have their covered dish dinners, but steal their time, so they don't have enough of it to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ. This is what I want you to do," hissed the Devil. "Distract them from gaining hold of their Saviour and maintaining that vital connection throughout their day!"
“How shall we do this?" his demons shouted.
“Keep them busy in the non-essentials of life and invent innumerable schemes to occupy their minds," he answered. “Tempt them to spend, spend, spend, and borrow, borrow, borrow. Persuade wives to go to work for long hours and the husbands to work 6-7 days each week so they can afford their empty lifestyles. Keep them from spending time with their children. As their families fragment, soon, their homes will offer no escape from the pressures of work! Over-stimulate their minds so that they cannot hear that still, small voice."
Like a coach, he roared, “Keep them busy, busy, busy! When they meet for spiritual fellowship, they’ll leave with troubled consciences. Crowd their lives with so many good causes they have no time to seek power from Jesus. Soon they will be working in their own strength, sacrificing their health and family for the good of the cause. It will work," he pronounced. “It will work," they agreed.
It was quite a plan! You might wonder if it worked, or you may be too busy to give it a second thought.
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