Monday, 11 June 2007

Understanding Samekh Zayin

In the Hebrew calendar, this year is 5767. The Hebrew language does not have numbers as we have in English. Instead, every letter has a numerical value attached to it, much like Roman numerals.

Often those letters which stand for numbers spell words. Those words have prophetic meaning and indicate the character and direction that the year will take.

Last year was the year 5766 and the letters in Hebrew spelled the words "tent peg." Last year was a year for strengthening the stakes. It was a time for the people of God to become "strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." It was a time for "strengthening the weak hands and confirming the feeble knees." (Isaiah 35:3)

This year the letters 5767 (Samekh Zayin) spell the words, "the clashing of the swords."

The letter Zayin is similar to the Vav with two distinct changes. The tent peg of the Vav turns into a sword in the Zayin. It is the year of the sword! Also, to form the Zayin, a crown is placed on the Vav. This is the year of crowning and glory!

This is the Prophet’s Year!

The tongue is a sword, so the Lord will touch and use our mouth this year.
We all prophesy according to our faith. Let faith arise and be unlocked!

1 comment:

Simon Mapleback said...

That sounds cool!!

The year of speaking God's word into peoples lives. I pray often for more of that in my life when I go out into the world, that God will speak through me, a powerful tool in the world especially today.

Hope all is going well.