Saturday, 12 April 2008

Our Hebrew Roots

We study a Hebrew book-written by Hebrews; we serve a Hebrew Lord-who had Hebrew disciples; we desire to follow the first century church-which was first predominately Hebrew; and through Christ, we are grafted into a Hebrew family! It makes sense to study the Hebrew culture.

Much of the Bible is mysterious to most Australians. The perplexing phrases, puzzling actions, the sometimes difficult-to-understand words of Jesus, unconventional holidays, and parables are only understood with an awareness of the Hebrew culture. A Christian's roots are deep in Judaism through Christ, all the way back to Abraham!

"If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." (Galatians 3:29)

Studying Scripture from our Australian view is like looking for gold in a dark mine with a dim pen light--we can see enough to stumble around but we need more light to see clearly. A good grasp of the ancient Hebraic customs and terminology would allow us to reexamine Scripture in this powerful flood light, exposing intricate details and treasures.

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