Tuesday, 23 January 2007

My head might just explode!!!!!!!!!

Moving to a new place has you swinging like a pendulum - one moment it's wow this is great the next it's oh no not good.
Some examples:
WOW - I can vacuum - we have one of those outside thingies - so you put the hose in the wall and all the other stuff happens outside - so instead of going off somewhere while hubby vacuums - I can actually stay or even do it myself - but he's so well trained - I haven't had to do it yet.
OH NO - you are bombarded about this and that - and you have no idea who the person is - let alone what they are talking about - why do people assume you should know everything by now - it's only been a week - they only have that one thing - but I have their one thing and about 10 other people's one thing.
HOWEVER - I keep reminding myself this too will pass - I will survive - even thrive - I have done it before I can do it again - just one foot in front of the other - keep moving forward. Panic attacks on a small scale are good for the system - it keeps it alert and functioning - ready to cope with all that life might throw it's way.
SO - prioritize - prioritize - prioritize!!!!!!!!!

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