Friday, 27 July 2007
God the Historian
Thursday, 26 July 2007
God the author
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Absolute Being
God's existence is absolute. The notion that God's being is absolute includes the following: He is fully complete in and of Himself. The nature of His completeness is such that he lacks nothing and needs nothing. God also has no restrictions or limitations and as such, nothing can exist "outside" of Him because if anything were able to exist in a way that was separate from His existence, then there would be some sort of a dividing line between these two existences. And all dividing lines indicate a boundary or limitation of sorts. God, the absolute being, has no bounds or limitations. Additionally, absolute being means that His existence is unchanging. God never becomes "more" or "less" in any way; He is never different.
Lastly, absolute being means that His existence is self-sufficient. Hang on to your hats for this one: To say that God has always existed and required nothing to initiate His existence, and to further say that He will always exist and needs nothing to maintain His existence is true, though somewhat inaccurate. The inaccuracy has to do with the issue of time. Since God's being exists even when time does not exist, this means that concepts like always, before, and after have no relevance to His being. So it's not that He always existed and always will exist, it's just that He is. Get it?
Can we do less?
Monday, 23 July 2007
First things first
In biblical times, the first portion of every crop was considered to be intrinsically holy and set apart for God. In fact, until the first crops were offered to God, the whole field was considered to be holy and none of it could be eaten. (Leviticus 23:14) The idea that the crops of the land are holy until an offering is made is still even practised today among traditional Africans in Uganda and Sudan. In these agrarian cultures, the fertility of animals and ability to grow crops is essential to survival, and assumed to be due to God's favour.
In biblical times the same thing applied to animals - the first male born of the mother was set apart to be given to God, out of thankfulness that He gave the ability to produce, trusting that He would bless with more later. The first products of animal and land, therefore, were considered to be great blessings, the most special offerings to give back to God. That is why in Proverbs it says,
"Honour the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine. " (Proverbs 3:9-10)
If we want to apply that to our own lives, that means that we should assume that the first and best of everything that we have is a special blessing from God and something we should offer back to Him. He gave us our relationships, our family, our time, our job, and our money. Do we offer the best back to Him, or do we give him the "last fruits" of our time, our effort and our money?
Sunday, 22 July 2007
A great day!
Thursday, 19 July 2007
Do you know if you're on the right track?
"We've been surrounded and battered by troubles, but we're not demoralized; we're not sure what to do, but we know that God knows what to do; we've been spiritually terrorized, but God hasn't left our side; we've been thrown down, but we haven't broken." 2 Corinthians 4:8&9
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Salvo Surfers!
I've been praying for this group - then my mate Chris Hambrecht sends me his latest cartoon - wow - it's a surfing one - so here it is for all you surfers and the newly formed Salvo Surfers.
Chris does some awesome cartoons - you can check him out at
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Harry Potter
What got to me about this movie was the big battle scene at the end - when it's just down to Voldemort and Harry - then Harry works out the secret - the one thing he has that Voldemort doesn't - and it's the one thing that makes him stronger!! For Harry it was the relationships he had with his friends. For me it is more than that - it is the relationship I have with God.
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
In contrast to that - have you ever felt really grimy and dusty - you know, you can actually taste the dust in your mouth and there doesn't seem to be any part of you that isn't dusty! You just want to rush home and jump in the shower, and its such a great feeling to be clean again! Well, I had that feeling tonight - no not physically, but spiritually, my very being felt grimy and dusty - I just needed to get out - to get clean!
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
A day of meetings
Life is a journey
On Sunday I felt lead by God to share some of my Dad's story - an incredible man who many years ago made an amazing commitment - which he kept until the day he died.
Yesterday a man came to the office door - he was scruffy, dirty, looked like he'd had a hard night on the tiles - he just wanted someone to listen - so we sat in the office - he poured out his heart - he was a grandpa overwhelmed by the tragedies of life - just wanting the immense pain to subside to sadness - he could cope with sadness - maybe even find hope again - it will be a long journey.
Over and over my dad's favourite song raced through my mind - my heart melted with the realization of those words - I wanted to be the one who drew near, to be the helper of men in their time of need - but more than that I wanted this man to know that "Christ is the water of life". He does!!!!
Life is a journey;
Long is the road,
And when the noontide is high
Souls that are weary
Faint 'neath their load,
Long for the waters, and cry:
The well is deep and I require
A draught of the water of life,
But none can quench
My soul's desire
For a draught of the water of life;
Till one draws near
Who the cry will heed,
Helper of men in their time of need,
And I, believing, find indeed
That Christ is the water of life.
~ Albert Orsborn
Saturday, 7 July 2007
Starship Discovery
It has been a great week - a total of 17 children came along - we had 5 young people from the division come to lead the week with their leader Richard from DHQ.
We had music, craft, stories, memory verses, games, morning tea, lunch, work sheets, movie, walks, a visit to the fun shed, MacDonalds - it was a spaceship of activity all week.
It was a really great week - the kids were fantastic - the leaders were just awesome - it all came together fantastically - new friendships were made - new souls for the kingdom - and the possibility of our regular Kidz Klub growing to twice it's size this term.
God is good!!!